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Not fit for purpose

The following information recently appeared on CRT’s website at :- ———————————————— Sightings Information To support customers accessing their data, we have recently made sightings of boat movements available via your Web Licensing account. Unfortunately, the format of that data has caused some customers concern about the location their boat has been sighted and left them with questions. The Trust is currently compiling supporting guidance and information, as a priority, to help boaters best understand this data and help answer any questions they may have. Whilst we prepare this guidance, we are pausing access to the sightings data. We anticipate this pause will be brief, and sightings will be available again soon. We thank you for your patience and ask that, unless urgent or you do not have access to… Read More »Not fit for purpose

Rachmanism From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Perec “Peter” Rachman (16 August 1919 – 29 November 1962) was a Polish-born landlord who operated in Notting Hill, London, England in the 1950s and early 1960s. He became notorious for his exploitation of his tenants, with the word “Rachmanism” entering the Oxford English Dictionary as a synonym for the exploitation and intimidation of tenants. Canal & River Trust don’t like the idea or the definition but to many liveaboard boaters they are effectively a landlord. It’s a concept they really work hard at avoiding, just ask the National Bargee Traveller Association about their ‘Boats Are Homes’ campaign. As far as CRT are concerned our boats are not homes they are merely possessions and as such have a very different place in law. Thanks to CRT boaters have been evicted from their homes, had… Read More »Rachmanism

It’s Official !

Canal River Trust have released details of their ‘proposed’ licence fee increases and surcharges. This is absolutely ridiculous ! In the first place it is as clear as mud, are they proposing to increase licence fees by 5% per year for the next five years or are they proposing a 5% increase in 2024 followed by a 10% increase in 2025, followed by a 15% increase in 2026 followed by a 20% increase in 2027 and finally a 25% increase in 2028 ? What on earth are CRT’s folks smoking ? Which planet are they orbiting I have to wonder ! Do they seriously believe that we don’t know that this whole fiasco is just another scam ? Do they really think we aren’t aware of their real agenda ?… Read More »It’s Official !

Morons in Milton Keynes

The morons in Milton Keynes have done it again ! I ask you, honestly, when was the last time ANYBODY saw a HORSEBOAT anywhere on the GU ? AND WHY DOES IT NEED ITS OWN PERSONAL SIGN ! CANAL & RIVER TRUST, YOU ARE IDIOTS ! AND YOU ARE STILL WASTING OUR LICENCE FEES ON IDIOTIC CRAP ! IT’S NO WONDER YOU ARE SKINT ! AND YES ! I’M SHOUTING !!!  

Wet Wigan

Trust finally pledges to plug Wigan canal leak that has swamped footpath for years After four years of claiming that responsibility for a flooded footpath lay with a local land owner CRT have finally admitted that in fact the  stagnant water flooding the footpath is from the adjacent canal, and is actually CRT’s responsibility. A spokesperson for Canal and River Trust, ignoring the fact of CRT’s denial of responsibility for four years said: “We are grateful this issue has been brought to our attention.” The trust has now promised to carry out repairs, although it is with the caveat “when time and resources allow.” so basically, don’t expect it to happen any time soon ! As usual, CRT are bleating about 250 year old infrastructure and lack of funds… Read More »Wet Wigan

Life is better in Nantwich !

Approximately a three quarters of a mile stretch of towpath = 30 blue signs  Now multiply that by 2000 miles of canal and think of how much money they could be wasting ! With thanks to ‘OldSinky’ for sending the photos for this gallery.

Can’t Repair Taps ?

Just one example of CRT ‘maintenance ! It isn’t a great photo I’ll admit but it is an example of what CRT think ‘maintenance’ looks like ! Unfortunately this type of bodge is only too common, it is a small thing but all the small things soon add up and before long there’s a whole load of half fixed, bodged up, unsolved maintenance issues all around the system. Submit your photos to