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The following information recently appeared on CRT’s website at :-


Sightings Information

To support customers accessing their data, we have recently made sightings of boat movements available via your Web Licensing account.

Unfortunately, the format of that data has caused some customers concern about the location their boat has been sighted and left them with questions.

The Trust is currently compiling supporting guidance and information, as a priority, to help boaters best understand this data and help answer any questions they may have.

Whilst we prepare this guidance, we are pausing access to the sightings data.

We anticipate this pause will be brief, and sightings will be available again soon. We thank you for your patience and ask that, unless urgent or you do not have access to the your web licensing account, you do not make requests for your boat sightings. We are working to have the boat sighting information available on your account soon. This will be quicker than a typical request for sightings made to our information team.

If you have already made an enquiry about your sightings, we will provide you with the supporting guidance and information as soon as possible.


The fact of the matter is that the problems have little to do with “the format of the data” and everything to do with the fact that CRT’s ‘Boater Stalking System’ is simply not fit for purpose !

The real reason the system has been taken offline is because so many people pointed out that their data was incomplete and incorrect.

CRT’s ‘enforcement’ team are well known for harassing innocent continuous cruisers on the basis of movement data which is both incorrect and incomplete. Innocent boaters have been threatened with everything from legal action to reductions of their permitted licence period from 12 months licence to 6 months or less with further licence renewals only permitted if CRT’s enforcement team decides that the boater’s incomplete and flawed movement data shows sufficient ‘improvement’.

If you challenge a CRT decision about your movements and request access they will try to charge you for access to YOUR DATA !

Do not pay them for access to your own data ! Just because CRT own the database the information is stored on does not make it their data !

Here’s what the ICO says:-

“The right of access, commonly referred to as subject access, gives individuals the right to obtain a copy of their personal data, as well as other supplementary information.” (See that ? The ICO says it is your personal data, it does not belong to CRT, it belongs to you !)

“You can challenge the accuracy of personal data held about you by an organisation, and ask for it to be corrected or deleted. This is known as the ‘right to rectification’.” 

“An organisation can only charge a fee if it thinks the request is “manifestly unfounded or excessive”. If so, it may ask for a reasonable fee for administrative costs associated with the request.” (CRT’s current policy is to attempt to charge everyone who requires access to their own data)

You can use the template letter below to help you raise your complaints.

       [Your full address]
[Your phone number]
[The date]

[Name and address of the organisation]
[Reference number (if provided within the initial response)]

Dear [Sir or Madam / name of the person you have been in contact with]

Data Protection Complaint
[Your full name and address and any other details such as account number to help identify you]

I am concerned that you have not handled personal information properly.

[Give details of your complaint, explaining clearly and simply what has happened and, where appropriate, the effect it has had on you.]

I understand that before reporting my complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) I should give you the chance to deal with it.

If, when I receive your response, I would still like to report my complaint to the ICO, I will give them a copy of it to consider.

You can find guidance on your obligations under information rights legislation on the ICO’s website ( as well as information on their regulatory powers and the action they can take.

Please send a full response within 30 days. If you cannot respond within that timescale, please tell me when you will be able to respond.

If there is anything you would like to discuss, please contact me on the following number [telephone number].

Yours faithfully


You may also find the information below from CRT’s website useful in dealing with them regarding your data.

Your rights

Right of access form 

– Anyone has the right to see the personal data that is held about them and have a copy provided to them, or someone else on their behalf.

Right of rectification form

– If at any point anyone believes that the personal data we hold about them is inaccurate, that person can ask to have it corrected.

Right to restrict processing form

– Anyone can require the Trust to limit the processing of their personal data in certain circumstances, for example, whilst a complaint about its accuracy is being resolved.

Right to object form

– Anyone can object to their personal data being processed. Where someone has given us their consent to process their personal data, they can withdraw that consent at any time by notifying us (see “Who to contact about your personal data” below).

Right to erasure form

– Anyone can request that their personal data is deleted altogether.

Right to data portability form

– In some circumstances, there is a right to have your information provided in a machine- readable format to ensure the portability of your personal data to other service providers.
It should be noted that taking any of these steps could impact upon our ability to continue our relationship with you, the provision of our services to you and our ability to answer questions relating to our services to you. Please note some of above rights are dependent on the legal basis for processing. For example: there may be circumstances where you object to, or ask us to restrict, our processing of your personal data but we are legally required or entitled to refuse your request (e.g., on grounds of health and safety). In these cases, we will demonstrate that we have a lawful basis to continue to process your information in spite of any objection.

Personal information will generally be provided free of charge, although the Trust can charge a reasonable fee in certain circumstances.

Who to contact about your personal data
If you wish to see your personal data, exercise any of the rights mentioned above or make a complaint about how we have handled your personal data, please email

We encourage you to let us know if your personal information changes or if you think the personal information, we hold about you is out of date.

Making a complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office
If you are not satisfied with our response to any query you raise with us, or you believe we are processing your personal data in a way which is inconsistent with the law, you can complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office at

5 thoughts on “Not fit for purpose”

  1. You have a SMART phone Buck ? Then you already have a gps tracker. All they have to do is insist that you download and activate an app as part of your licence agreement and hey presto !
    But don’t feckin’ tell the bast@rds ffs !

  2. its true, just google System Monitoring And Remote Tracking App mostly used to monitor home workers but also workers on the move like delivery drivers etc

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