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Undervalued & Overcharged !

Unfortunately, CRT don’t really see us as any kind of asset other than our cash value on a spreadsheet !

We’re just seen as a liability !

They don’t really have a clue about our life on the cut, they don’t really see how we live or what we actually do by way of contributing.

They don’t see us when we are acting as ambassadors for the canals, or as unpaid ‘meeters and greeters’, history teachers, tour guides, newbie/hireboat instructors, local information providers and in winter when all the visitors have gone home guess what, we’re still here, who do they think is there clearing all the winter flotsam and crap from locks and around lockgates, sluices and bywashes, we do it because we have to in order to get through, as well as spotting and reporting problems which we encounter as we move around keeping the channels open and navigable. Without our winter cruising the buildup of rubbish, crap, silt and the fact that dredging is minimal would soon become a serious issue and cost CRT loads of cash to get contractors in to clear it in the spring !

They clearly don’t recognise that when all those people who live in houses visit the canals they come to see the boats and the people who live on them because frankly they’re fascinated by our lives, our boats and our lifestyle.

I’ve lost count of the number of people I’ve entertained along the towpath over the last 15 years and CRT clearly have no clue that by driving us from the canals they are loosing knowledgeable and dedicated hardworking people who are ardent lovers and supporters of the canals not to mention that we are also the living ‘window dressing’ for the dream which CRT are selling to Joe Public.ย Either that or they simply don’t care.

Because as Continuous Cruisers it feels as though we are barely tolerated and only then because of our licence fees !

They don’t want to accept that we are a ‘community’ because that would mean them having to acknowledge our rights as such. Instead they try to herd us around like floating sheep as they try to corral us with their ever increasing numbers of blue signs advertising their latest mooring restriction zones !

They are removing our ‘domestic facilities’ and justifying their actions on the basis of cost reductions but all they are really doing is making life difficult for us in order to drive us off the canals as part of their ‘gentrification agenda’. Let’s face it, they hate the idea that our boats are our homes and they don’t want us cluttering up the nice moorings outside of their new luxury canalside developments do they ?

People pay lots of money for those flats and apartments so getting rid of what CRT view as a bunch of ‘continuous mooring crusties’ is high on the agenda !

17 thoughts on “Undervalued & Overcharged !”

  1. What a great view. I often feel like a free tourist attraction…lol.
    People are genuinely interested. Just look how popular narrowboat YouTubers are and they’re all (or pretend to be) continuous cruiser’s.
    Where I cruise facilities are very scarce, but I’ve learnt to adapt. Its not right, but its better than living in one spot all year round

  2. I think you are spot on ,what they don’t understand that boats passing up and down keeps silt down without boats moving the canals would become in passable ,as a continuous cruisers I’m at the point were I don’t want all the b shit anymore ,I’ve spoke too several people which have just received restricted licences all because crt haven’t got the staff to monitor the canalways ,how can this be right

  3. I think youre way of the mark. c&rt people work very hard to keep our canals open and they work all year round so do the voulenteers. if it wasnt for us the canals would of been closed years ago so websites like your’s are not helping at all. Maybe you should be more greatful.

    1. I applaud the work of the ‘boots on the towpath’ and the volunteers but there are serious problems with the senior management and the policies they pursue. It’s also worth recognising the work of boaters and boating groups such as the canal societies and organisations such as the IWA, NABO, RBOA and NBTA. The problems in my opinion are all coming from the top of the CRT tree !

  4. Absolutely correct for CCers that move, but I don’t think a single one of your points could be applied to the static CCers. There are hundreds of these in the London area alone. They move the bare minimum, if at all, they see the canal as a cheap accomodation. Not as a place to explore & live like you. They give genuine CCers like you a bad name. CRT were content to ignore them, but now there are so many of them not contributing to Canal funding via mooring charges that CRT can no longer let them get away with it. It is unfortunate that genuine CCers like you have been caught up with them.

    1. I aggree with you entirely about the situation in London and other cities too. It needs to be said however that these problems were exacerbated by members of the government (David Cameron’s if memory serves) suggesting that a solution to the housing crisis of recent years could be for people to live on boats. CRT don’t help the situation, they simply don’t seem to have a strategy or policies which are effective in this regard and moorings are being overpriced because of their system of ‘auctioning’ moorings in order to maximise the income from them. People living aboard in London and the cities who move little or not at all are mostly trying to just survive on minimum incomes, low wages, pensions etc… and with London transport costs increasing it’s hardly surprising that they want to remain in the inner zone, it’s where the jobs are and the, public transport costs are lower.

  5. Well put. cc’ers are not all continuous moorers, in my experience very few break the rules but c&rt seem to be obsessed with policing us and puting up more and more sings that say 48 hours or even less. Its just harasment.

  6. I’ve spent the last 12 months cruising on the Leeds and Liverpool canal. During that time I’ve reported 3 issues with locks and 2 issues with swing bridges to C&RT, I’ve re-tied 7 boats which had come adrift from their moorings, I’ve towed 2 boats which had breakdowns while cruising, I’ve towed 5 more which had run aground and got stuck in the silt on the offside of the canal to help them on their way, three of them being hireboats, I’ve personally removed literally tons of rubbish, weeds, sticks, lumps of wood and logs from in and around locks and along the towpath, I’ve rescued 2 sheep and a dog from drowning, shown dozens of kids, parents and towpath visitors how the locks work, talked to dozens more about my boat, living aboard and the places and canals I’ve cruised and given directions to local facilities and ameneties to countless others. I don’t have a blue teeshirt, I don’t represent C&RT, I’m not in it for awards and pats on the back, I live here… I’m a liveaboard boater, continuous cruiser, this is what we do !

  7. This is all part of the great Reset. The new world order. We are the nomads on the open plains that they want to own and control. 15 minute cities dint work if we are allowed to roam.

  8. This is an exceptionally helpful article. As someone about to embark on the narrowboat journey I am disappointed to see some of the attraction being reduced.

    1. Don’t be put off Jeremy, I’ve been on the cut for years and I wouldn’t change it for anything. Even with the problems and issues of CRT, the increasing financial costs and any other negatives you may be able to think of, it is still a dream worth living. Good luck and welcome to ‘The Cut’. ๐Ÿ™‚

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