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CRT are at it again !

Yep, here we go again

Canal & River Trust are once again attempting to sell off more of the ‘family silver’ in order to fund their very own particular brand of incompetence, failure and personal wealth accumulations.

The site contains a number of historically significant grade-II listed buildings (Image: Avison Young)

So, despite the fact that the site is clearly a “historically significant” site, C&RT are ignoring their ‘charitable articles’ and their responsibility to ‘preserve heritage structures’ in favour of a blatant ‘cash grab’ !

Parry’s Posse strike again and yet more of our country’s history and heritage which CRT supposedly ‘preserve’ for the nation will be sold to private developers as part of CRT’s asset stripping cash generation programme !

The government don’t seem to give a shit, the canal societies who helped to put Parry and his ‘Posse’ in control are doing nothing to correct their stupidity and yet more of the national treasure which is supposedly “held in trust for the nation” gets flogged off to the highest bidders !

C&RT say the sale is necessary as it will raise funds to help maintain 2,000 miles of inland waterways, and they’re are seeking a developer who will be sensitive to the site’s historical role in Northwich’s industrial heritage.

John Tackley, president of the River Weaver Navigation Society, one of the groups campaigning against the sale, said: “This would be a tremendous opportunity to transform Northwich into a proper tourist town. Navigation Yard is such an important site for the whole of the county, as so many decisions were taken in that building. It created the salt industry, which in turn, created the port of Liverpool. It’s unbelievable C&RT are trying to offer it ordinary developers, who obviously don’t have those interests at heart.”

3 thoughts on “CRT are at it again !”

  1. Properties could be leased or rented out thus providing income whilst retaining the asset. A lot of the properties must be classified as commercial which would be ideal for start-up workshops. Get real CaRT.

  2. The biggest joke at the moment is the way so many boaters and the canal societys are jumping up and down to promote the “Fund Our Waterways” campain ! Don’t people realise that just giving more money (and were talking about public money here, our money not ‘government money’ to the same people who have been squandering it for years isn’t going to help or sort out the problems or fix anything at all ? Ridiculous !!!

  3. The sooner people and the boaters realize that c&rt are just cashing in and filling there wallets the better. We need to get rid of these people as soon as posible or we wont have any canal system left!

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